The Navy Field 2 server will go offline Wednesday evening from 10PM - 12AM PST for routine maintenance. During this maintenance period, the following updates are scheduled to be performed:
1. Ship Balance has been adjusted:
A.Naval Gun Power changes:
- 3~7 inch naval gun power will be increased by 15%
- 8~10 inch naval gun power will be increased by 10%
- 11 ~ 18 inch naval gun power will be decreased by 15%
- Certain ships may NOT follow the above rules.
B.Naval Gun Reload time changes:
- 8~10 inch naval gun reloaded time will be increased by 15% (slower)
- Certain ships may NOT follow the above rules.
C.Naval Gun Accuracy changes:
- 3~7 inch naval gun accuracy will be decreased by 15%
- 8~10 inch naval gun accuracy will be decreased by 10%
- 11~18 inch naval gun accuracy will be increased by 15%
D.DD, CL Torpedo changes:
- Torpedo damage will be decreased by 30%
- Torpedo reload time will be decreased by 30% (faster)
- Torpedo speed will be increased by 10%
- Certain ships may NOT follow the above rules.
E.Submarine Torpedo changes:
- Torpedo damage will be decreased by 15%
- Torpedo reload time will be increased by 15%
- Torpedo speed will be increased by 10%
- The following KM torpedo will be changed:
* Type VIIF damage will be increased by 10%
* Type IXA damage will be increased by 10%
* Type IXD2 torpedo damage will be increased by 15%
F.Ship DP value changes:
- DP of DD will be increased
- DP of CL will be increased
- DP of CA will be increased
- DP of SS will be increased
G.Ship sight changes:
- Sight of CL will be increased
- Sight of CA will be decreased
- Sight of BB will be increased
- Sight of SS will be increased
H.Ship Defense Grade changes:
- Defense grade of CA will be increased
- Defense grade of BB will be decreased
- Defense grade of CV will be increased.
I.Critical Factor changes:
- Critical Factor of DD will be increased
- Critical Factor of CA will be decreased
J.Ship Basic Speed changes:
- Basic speed of CA will be decreased
- Basic speed of BB will be decreased
- Basic speed of CV will be increased
- Basic speed of SS will be increased
K.Ship Overheat Duration changes:
- Overheat Duration of DD will be decreased
- Overheat Duration of CL will be increased
- Overheat Duration of CV will be increased
L.Ship Overheat Waiting Time changes:
- Overheat waiting time of DD will be decreased
- Overheat waiting time of CL will be increased
- Overheat waiting time of CV will be increased
M.Ship Turning Speed changes:
- Turning speed of CA will be increased
- Turning speed of BB will be increased
N.Hull's limit reliability changes (the point that ship starts to lose the speed by damaging):
- Hull's limit reliability of DD will be increased
- Hull's limit reliability of CL will be increased
- Hull's limit reliability of CA will be increased
O.Ship Sonar changes:
- Sonar ability of DD will be increased
- Sonar ability of CL will be increased
- Sonar ability of SS will be increased
P.Shell Capacity will be changed:
- 3~5 inch shell capacity will be increased
- 6~7 inch shell capacity will be increased
Q.Torpedo Capacity will be changed:
- Torpedo capacity of DD and CL will be increased
- Torpedo capacity of SS will be increased
R.Aircraft Space changes
- Aircraft space of CV will be increased by 20%
S.Landing power changes
- Landing power of DD and CL will be increased by 100%
- Landing power of CA will be decreased by 50%
T.Submarines Dive Time changes - Dive Time of submarines will be decreased by 10%
U.Depth Charge changes:
- UK Depth Charge capacity has been increased from 75 to 100.
- UK Depth Charge launcher name will be changed as below:
* Depth Charger Type D -> Type D Mark III
- Damage of Depth Charge will be changed as follows:
* 1st Depth Charge : 2851 -> 3803
* 2nd Depth Charge : 3001 -> 4253
* 3rd Depth Charge : 3159 -> 4727
* 4th Depth Charge : 3325 -> 5525
* 5th Depth Charge : 3500 -> 5749
- Depth Charge Reloading Time will be changed as follows:
* 1st Depth Charge : 12.5 -> 11.5 (US, IJN, KM)
* 2nd Depth Charge : 13 -> 11.8 (US, IJN, KM)
* 3rd Depth Charge : 13.3 -> 12 (US, IJN, KM)
* 4th Depth Charge : 13.8 -> 12.3 (US, IJN, KM)
* 5th Depth Charge : 14 -> 12.5 (US, IJN, KM)
* 1st Depth Charge : 13.8 -> 12.5 (UK)
* 2nd Depth Charge : 14.3 -> 12.8 (UK)
* 3rd Depth Charge : 14.5 -> 13 (UK)
* 4th Depth Charge : 15.0 -> 13.3 (UK)
* 5th Depth Charge : 15.5 -> 13.5 (UK)
2. Matching System has been changed:
- Primary matching condition will be counted by ship class not the ship tier.
- If there are no exact matching opponents, then +/- 2 tier will be allowed (ship class will be the same).
- Reserve battle conditions
* If there are not enough sufficient opponents to be matched, remaining players will go into a Reserve battle, which will consist of those remaining players who could not be arranged by the system (this battle can be 2 vs 2 or larger).
* Reserve battle players will receive 20% more Exp on account of the less than ideal battle conditions.
* This system will allow all users to enter battle within one or two minutes at most; wait times will be greatly reduced.
* This type of room doesn't count any battle balance.
- Low tier player battle room
* 1,2,3 tier players will be playing in a different battle room.
* The battle room is smaller sized.
* Levels don't count, as only ship tier will be counted.
3. The ultimate gunset of Iowa is now displayed (bug fix)
Our team has been testing these changes thoroughly and hope you look forward to the updates. Try out the changes and please let us know what you think! We will continue to work on improvements based on your feedback.
Thank you for your support,
Navy Field 2 Team