Dear NF2 Captains,
The following are issues that have been reported or noticed by our team following the recent Master Ship rewards system update:
1) Players who have already completed all ship mastering steps save for the unlocking of the next ship in line will be paid as if they had completed all the steps.
However, no additional rewards will be placed once these players do complete the final step of unlocking the next respective ship in line.
If a player researched everything but the next ship in tier 5 before this patch, the player will receive 100 Gold reward following the patch, but will NOT get an additional 100 Gold after researching the next ship.
If this same player researches the tier 6 ship completely, then 150 Gold will be placed.
2) 100 Gold was awarded for those who completed Tier 11, but and additional 900 Gold should have been placed, the total reward for mastering tier 11 is 1000 Gold.
3) Our team has been made aware of a possible bug that may be exploited following this patch. We will work to resolve this bug and any accounts that have intentionally abused this bug may be rolled back or have additional sanctions set on them as a result.
Please do not abuse potential exploits as your account will be held accountable.
Our team apologizes for any inconvenience experienced as a result of these bugs. Your understanding is appreciated as we work to fully resolve them.
Thank you for your support,
NF2 Team