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General Discussion

Good job on the stealth nerf to accuracy for T8's + T9s SDE (NOT)

1/25/2015 12:29:17 AM
Avatar Strawbz

And we thought accuracy was already bad, SDE went ahead and just stealth nerfed the * out of the remaining accuracy for Tier 8/9s for those with accuracy gunners in the 400-500 range.


How do I know this? Simple, before the latest patch using my current gunners which you can see a screen shot in my other thread, my New Mexico was block shotting in sunshine and in the rain at max range (30). After the latest patch, the spread is just as bad as the North Carolina.


If this is your fix to make the T9's, North Carolina in particular appear better, then all I have to say is, I hope this game burns to the * ground and the NC is still god awful.


If this is your attempt to make everyone pay $500 to max morale on our gunners, then all I have to say is, I hope this game burns to the * ground.


The fact that SDE has refused to even acknowledge any of the information in either threads or provide information of the formulas used to calculate accuracy or reload just shows their utter incompetence and the game deserves to burn to the * ground.


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