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General Discussion

CV Humping

1/27/2015 3:05:53 PM
Avatar Soldominant

As a CV player I have to wonder what the guidelines/rules concerning this are.


In NF1 it was against the rules... and although not strongly enforced is was severly frowned upon.


But for a DD/CL to defy all game reality/WW2 Reality by shitting on top of my ship and shooting.... It clearly makes no sense. Its almost as severe as my Border Humping planes... Which is another concern of mine.


Is TNF planning on doing anything? Who monitors what players do? Why is SDE so content in making a new game just to watch World Of Warships steal there entire community... Its obviously for a reason. The content and guidelines around this game are very poor and lazy.


You see these posts as players complaining. But its more about us trying to fix the game cause obviously you guys wont. But the more important point being that the second a better game of this genre comes out we're all leaving you guys.

Will any of my questions on this post even be answered by any administrator? What do they have to say about Border Humping and Cv humping.... If i have to deal with DDs cv humping... cant i border hump planes to give myself an advantage? If theres no order or rules clearly posted and enforced how long will this community thrive before you have Trolls everyday?


All in all... regardless of ship balancing issues... unfinished code... sailor ablities.... xp/credit gain not being consistent... higher tiers sucking.... What about any game community basics... The basic rules for battle.... Are you guys that lazy that you cant even implement those either?

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