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General Discussion

BattleShips are ruining this game.

1/27/2015 10:21:28 PM
Avatar Raficopter

Simply put: Battleships are too good at everything. Why be a CA/CL when you could be a BB and do everything they can do, but better with more guns, more damage, and more armor.

In Navyfield 1, this was acceptable, Battleships were the endgame, no matter what CA/CL you picked you would eventually end up at the choice for a BB (or CV). NavyField 2, however, has endgame CA and CL. These ships need a role in these virtual seas.

Here are my proposed changes and general directions, if we are going to continue with having endgame CA/CL


Landing Forces Removed

Accuracy Reduced: The ability for a New Mexico or Ise to land 9+ of their 12 shell salvo at a significant distance makes playing anything less than a battleship pointless.

Reloading Times Increased: CA 8-9" guns reload times run in the 9second range, BB reload times should start at 17 seconds

Main Guns limited to 10* mininum: This adds a clear weakness to battleships, if you get close they cant use their main guns on you, but they still have their secondary weapons and armor/hp

Armor and HP Increased: With the nerfs to their main guns, the increase in Armor values and HP amounts should keep a battleship's presence as a floating fortress

Acceleration and Decceleration Increased: BB should be slow to react

Turning Radius Increased





Heavy Cruisers

Accuracy Increased

Bridge LOS Increased: Range Should be Second place to CL

Heavy Cruisers are intended to be "Light-battleships", Sacraficing armor and weapons for speed, reloading and accuracy





Light Cruisers

Depth Charges added: Currently CL lack any way to combat the subs they detect

Sonar Range Increased: with the increase in recharge time, CL should act as the "spotters", letting their team know there is a sub approaching, but they wont have the sonar up enough to know where it is at all times

Sonar Recharge Time Increased

Bridge LOS Increased: CL should have the longest sight range, cementing their role as spotters for the fleet

Light Cruisers should be "Large Destroyers", Sacraficing the speed and size of a Destroyer for larger guns and more armor






Bridge LOS Increased: DD should have matched sight with CA, allowing them to pick when and who to fight

Sonar Range Reduced: DD should have short range, fast recharging sonar allowing them to be the most effective SS hunters. However SS that can effectively manauver around DD will be practically invisible to the DD

Sonar Recharge Time Increased



*several edits: what is the point of having all these formatting options if NONE OF THEM WORK IN THE ACTUAL POST*

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