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General Discussion

RN Revenge Model Integration Issue

2/3/2015 10:21:56 AM
Avatar DarkMidnight

Happened to me earlier, and just whitnessed it again, but to a worse extent (Mine was a single torp, the second time was a full salvo of torps). Both occasions against the Revenge. 


This is a glitch that existed in NF1 and now seems to be appearing in NF2. The problem of sub (and rarely regular) torpedos traveling under the intended target for no damage, explosion, or anything. Just harmlessly pass beneath the ship.


Maybe this is an issue with how the model for the ship was built and put into the game? Never had this problem with any other ships, and seeing as the Revenge was freshly modeled and added, just curious if this could be part of it.


Happened to anyone else? If so, what ship(s)?


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