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A message to the SDE - Lets make NF2 work

2/3/2015 11:02:11 AM
Avatar MyPanic


Some background so you know this is worth a read, and it isn't a hate post either.

I have played NF1, suffered the grind to bb6 with two bb5's & spent $500+ on it in the process.

I have a Finance Management background & currently work as a Recruitment Consultant so naturally sales are a big part of my life and I really feel I need to attempt to lay a point across to SDE.

The following is solely my opinion and is in no way related to any other member of the community or my fleet.

I have also not taken the time to spell or grammar check, it is written swiftly with one purpose - enlightenment.


I LOVED NF1. Everything about it was perfect, and you know what, I hadnt played in circa 3years due to exiting University and focusing on my career. I heard NF2 was back through a Total Carnage mail bulletin and came back to see if it was worth my time... Yes, yes it is.


NF1 pricing structure was perfect - Why did I fruitlessly inject relentless amounts of experts to convert to vets? - because it was cheap. I did not care about the low conversion rate - because the $2 for a pack was fantastic.

NF2 pricing structure - in my opinion - is not perfect.

-How many F2P games are out there now? More have failed than suceeded.

-What is NF2's main sales point to contend with say, World of Warships - which yes - we all know is going to look beautiful and have a large player base..But have terrible, linear, low skill game play like WoT (Please do not bother debating this, it is my opinion based on world of tanks) But how are you marketing NF2 versus WoW which will dominate the player base due to the WoT following and its mass marketing campaigns?

NF2 is unique. I cannot wait for a steam release - but do you know what you see EVERY DAY on steam F2P pages?? Negative reviews.

"I played the game but it turns out its pay 2 win" etc etc etc

These reviews, 99% of the time, come from those who have no-idea what the game is about and will dismiss it rapidly when they see the big BB's smashing everything else & NF2's pricing structure and assume thats how you win.

The 1% of your player base - the loyal -the ex NF1. We don't frankly care, we are accustomed to injecting money, or suffering the grind. We love the game. End of.


You WILL have more negative reviews with these prices than positive and this is a MASSIVE opportunity for you SDE.


Arguement for a lower pricing structure.

And before I continue, I strongly disagree with the "this game is pay 2 win" claims.
I just believe the pricing structure PORTRAYS THE IMAGE that it is.

The young - those who do not have access to funding themselves will often turn to parents (or like my brother - myself) to spot him "a premium crew please bro". For 30$ I could get him a nice premium setup, he would be happy, you made $30 & I got a nice favor that I could cash in on later - Im pretty sure I gave him a mass of vet packs for his birthday one year.


Now lets look at NF2's pricing structure...

Do you continue with your above-average costing structure and gamble on the player base supporting you?

Or could you consider lowering it - THUS opening up the game to a wider market, lower income community..Who love the game for the gameplay & aren't so quick to judge. How many millions of players are there on Steam??

$2 x 1000 players VS $10 x 100 players because the other 900 turned their noses up and subsequently go on to write a bad review...which in turn puts of 1000 fringe players who watched the trailer..thought it looked like fun..then saw the reviews "mixed response" -> "PAY TO WIN AVOID THIS GAME BIG BATTLESHIPS WIN"!!

On Steam, your reviews are the decider in your success.

Do you know what though - I didnt buy a month of premium, only 7 days - Why? Because Premium + the 10$ cost of EACH premium sailor..I honestly struggle to justify to myself.


As a side note, I believe the grind structure is too long for the average gamer - I got to BB1 in a day, but I bought a Premium sub and the Premium Aide AND we are in an exp event..So thats no tall order..

But lets take that away a minute and look at the gamer with no or low income - Do you REALLY think todays gamer is going to grind in a game that isnt beautiful (lets use WOT as the base line here for beautiful in F2P) but has brilliant gameplay? - How many players these days actually care about gameplay anymore? Thats why we play NF. The game play. Give it a few months and BB's will be everywhere.. The top tiers will wreck the majority hitting their first BB after their no premium month grind for it (maybe exaggerated but still).. How many games do you continue to play where you are endlessly battered?

World of W*rcraft has developed an interesting model - Boosting straight to 90. Whilst I agree this isnt feasible in NF2. Reducing exp requirements is.

Honestly, the improvements in NF2 are brilliant, I love the change in the system - but please, please look at the structure of cost & levelling VS todays gamer market.

All I wanted to do was provoke thought in upper management.


Whilst I appreciate SDE is in no way a small firm.. & the last thing I am looking to do is insult or step on someones pride....but from my perspective your financial strategy - whilst not doomed to fail - could be greatly improved.

Why does a supermarket have loss-leaders? To draw you in and make you spend more money on other items.
If premium was cheap and I could level up quicker - at least to maybe the mid range of the game - Would I spend more on premium sailors and morale boosting? You bet I would.

I offer a gamers perspective, who has a history in Navyfield, who has spent $$$ on the game, who has a career in the Finance industry.. I emplore you to discuss this at a strategy meeting & I would relish the opportunity to speak further in private.




I would also welcome community feedback on this post - If for any reason to make SDE aware we DO NOT WANT NF2 TO FAIL.


Kind Regards,








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