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Technical Support

Honor Point and Season Point Reset to ZERO

2/10/2015 9:13:35 PM
Avatar h37211

First off I am a level 98 with 715win/1834 battles 38% (I know not super great buy grinding NC is tuff)

My Season Point and honor point should be up there since I have played from the beginning.


I am a member of a fleet and noticed that my honor points and season points went from 1100+ to zero in one day which had a negative effect on my fleet ranking.  Sent in a support ticket and they said sorry there is a bug, sorry for your inconvenience without any explanation.

After some digging on my own I found the problem.


I had just tried out a cv in tutorial to get used to loading and sending airplanes to attack that day.


Evidently if you load tutorial to practice cv, sb, or any ship it will reset your honor points and season points.

There really should be a fix to this or a true practice map for players to experiment with aa or planes etc. without hurting our points and fleet standing.



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