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General Discussion

Submarines are (where) fine!

2/18/2015 10:44:13 AM
Avatar SirOrrin

For all those Battleship/cruiser people out there who think subs are to good. My apologies.

My German captain name is Orrin, and I am one of the few SS players, that regulary blows big ships like you out of the water. but only excepionally good submarine drivers can even handle the Submarine well.

So Why in the World had the torpedo system on submarines been nerfed!

There are some games where SS can get tons of dmg on the enemy, then other games where a SS may only get one shot at an enemy.

this has happened to me. I had a 90 degree angle on a PARKED battleship. the torpedos went under him.

thats right, UNDER HIM.

He was the only Ship I came clsoe to the whole game.

Apparently, this is intentional.

So surface ships, im sorry if SS has been kicking your butt lately, but this nerf is uncalled for.

sincerly, capitain Orrin of Wolfpack

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