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Good Work SDE, but there is more work to be done.

2/26/2015 8:23:28 PM
Avatar deadmeat82

Firstly allow me to thank SDE for doing the right thing. The balancing of the game is much better than before after this patch, and I expect the coming weeks SDE will be bombarded with complains, whines, cries, and threats. Nevertheless keep up the good work.

Now my T9 SS is rampaging those poor BBs in the game mainly due to population disperity. Of course I would expect that to change drasticly in next few weeks.

Population disperity? Why so? You know the game is doing something wrong when every game you play, 50% of each team is a BB. This alone makes it undesirable for surface ships such as CA, CL and DD. With this patch, the role of other ship class other than BBs are amplified. That is a good thing, I am tired of looking at world of battleships.

Yet, another matter still plague my mind. No matter how you power up a DD, CA, or CL it can never be as powerful as a BB. So why should they be valued the same when it comes to determining the winner of the match? Why should a DD valued the same as a BB on the scoreboard?

I suggest that instead of the current system of player based score, go with ship value score. Team earn points for the type of opposing ships detroyed.

For example:

1) CV, SS, BB are 5 points worth

2) CA are 4 points worth

3) CLs are 3 points worth

4) DDs are 2 points worth

so let's just say:

Team A - Team B

6 BBs       4 BBs

4 CAs       4 CAs

2 DDs       4 DDs

Team A value :50

Team B value: 44 


Let's just say at the end of the match, if both team survives :

Team A lost: 2 BBs - valued at 10 points

Team B lost: 4 DDs - valued at 8 points

Team B should be awarded the win despite more loses.

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