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how to fix reserve battles

2/27/2015 6:16:35 AM
Avatar Caelena

Hi, although i do like the random reserve battle amount of players, myself. others do not

most conflicts at sea arent fought with equal numbers, equal ability etc etc.. but to cater to other players id suggest that reserve battles need to have a higher minimum amount of players needed for reserve battles, and i think they should have a longer wait time to start a reserve battle.

my fix would be:

when you push battle and sit and wait, it shouldnt start a reserve battle untill the message "this may take some time" appears, i think that would give it sufficent time to get a full game.

it currently seems when ever someone pushes a battle it for a split second glances at the available players waiting and then just starts this battle, this solution should atleast make the match making look at the players waiting as if it was a stumped kid doing homework, and suddenly getting there answer..

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