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General Discussion

guys relax

2/28/2015 6:01:49 AM
Avatar redbear1989

ok this not going to be long.


all i see is how bad this is how bad that is this patch sucks my Torps do northing my DPs it horrble this not right CV OP SS OP this is to fast that to slow and so on and so on.


i dont like alot of the new content but i learn to live with it and fine new way of playing do you really think they would get every patch 100% spot on your soooo lucky they still updateing this game NF1 we when half a year with no new content and what was broken was broken also they will slowley but surely fix and blance thing but to blance ship they need to get ships blance wrong 1st.


I have played all the Class of ships SS DD BB CL CA CV and the amzing APA >,< and not one has a upperhand in every battle yes DD have the jack off all trades but when iam in BB i splat it if it get to close CL have great firepower and turn rate of a Fly but same agian BB can splt it if you shoot at it CA i think they need some more love CA was  Very importent part of fleets and they sud have Great DP and good Damge but they need to be a bit slower and turn rate down.


SS had a speed problem so they patch with out looking at what would happen I.E UK SS 4or something can go 36knts overheat and 26 under (sportcar) but SS have AIR time and they have a DD that wreck SS and i mean Wreck 6 torps does not kill a DD if you dont belive me test it on a DD4 up but SS need speed to get anywere.

so my point is relax they will fix stuff but it take time give them a break it free game after all

And as to TNF think about blance ship independentley rather then the hole class because it cause issue with ships slapping SS speed by 10% mite help SS6-7-8 so on but think of the lower SS that now go 36 knts and also hitting 3-7" guns with 10% power rember that great for normal ship but when you get a ship with 18 shot and it move like a snake in water you have a problem.


and yes it was long but enjoy the game


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