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Please learn to play the game before Complaining about the game!

2/28/2015 5:08:15 PM
Avatar h37211

I am Howie372 a level 100 (2200+ games) in game and still have a whole lot to learn.

I am not a naval expert by any means.


It seems to me the real problem with this games is that players think they should be able to play like Rambo!

Or they think they are all Davids trying to take down Goliath.

This game is about fleet warfare.  There are no fleets of one.

It seems to me that a lot of people are complaing about over and unpowered ships because they are trying to play in a way inconsistent with their ship class. I was a big time inconsistent class player toward the end grind to the Iowa but I never complained about getting torped or dive bombed (at least  not too much), I just had to and contiune to change the way I play to adjust to the weaknesses and exploit the advantages better for my ship class.


The best advice I can give is that people should try and find a good fleet to join with NF1 veterans.  In this way you can get advice on the best ship class for your game play style as well as advice on how to become a better player.  

You should also use the team chats for more than rants, they are there so that teams can communicate objectives and strategies.


Thanks, Howie372

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