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General Discussion

A plea to the community regarding the Steam launch.

3/4/2015 12:00:37 PM
Avatar Fr3AkAzOiD

I'd like to put out a plea to the community for some patience in the coming weeks as we get new players who will be

joining through the Steam launch.


I'm glad we will be getting more players and welcome them to a great game but unfortunately the new player influx

will rock the boat with some of our more sensitive players.


I've been playing NF since back in NF1 beta and have seen the same thing every time there is an influx of players

due to advertising or promotions or what not.


So please show some patience for the basic questions that will inevitably be posted in the forum and be kind enough

not to just say "search noob".

There will be a lot more DDs in game which means a lot more torps and multiple DD rushing a single BB so please hold

your "nerf the torps" and "DD are overpowered" posts cause after a couple weeks those players will have moved to CL,


With the new exp boost people will be getting to those larger ships quicker so please resist the urge to yell the

"noob BB" comments in game. They are not going to have the hundreds or thousands of games under there belt

like you and I.

For the rush and die new DD players, try to help them as kindly as possible or else they will just leave the game

after a day or two and I would prefer a healthy population.


SDE please make sure there is a link to these forums on Steam as that should cut down on a lot of the basic questions.


I just grow tired of all the new player bashing that happens whenever we get a large influx of players and I hate

seeing new players just trying to figure out the game give up and leave the game due to a rude community.



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