Dear NF2 Captains,
We've heard the requests and have decided to bring back an additional round of Ship Bounty Event to add to the current Gold Rush and Daily Login events.
The rules are very simple; all you have to do is sink specific ships for additional credit rewards. The rewards are as follow:
Sink 1 DD : 1000 credits / Sink 5 DDs : 1000 credits
Sink 1 CL : 1000 credits / Sink 5 CLs : 1000 credits
Sink 1 APA : 1000 credits / Sink 5 APAs : 2,000 credits
Sink 1 CA : 1000 credits / Sink 5 CAs : 3,000 credits
Sink 1 BB : 1000 credits / Sink 5 BBs : 4,000 credits
Sink 1 CV : 1000 credits / Sink 5 CVs : 4,000 credits
Sink 1 SS : 1000 credits / Sink 5 SSs : 4,000 credits
The sink count resets daily at 7:00 AM PST.
If a player meets the qualification of this event, then the credit pouch will be paid through the "reward" tab in-game.
No duplicated rewards.
e.g) If a player sinks 3 BBs per day, then the player will only receive 1000 credits.
If a player sinks 10 CVs a day, the player will get 1000 credits (for 1 ship sunk) and 4,000 credits (for 5 ships sunk).
Event period: March 6th, 2015 through March 17th, 2015
Please enjoy the event!
-NF2 Team