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General Discussion

The abuse of rapid grinding ruins others' games

3/9/2015 12:07:43 AM
Avatar Lymark

 I'm not sure If this issue is being addressed, but I'm pretty sure many of you have already noticed how certain players grind their ships by rushing to enemy spawn and die in within 30sec after the match start. Especially, the 1st top fleet in the game at the moment(The one with a red flag, not gonna name it tho). Everytime, I seen one of their members on my side, I know that there's no hope that I'd be winning, because they're mostly the ones with highest BBs as well as the flag ship, tho they'd just rush to death. 


 I'm not trying to blame on the specific fleet here, but to use them as an example, because they're abusing it way too obvious and out of control. It feels like someone is robbing a bank in front of a cop but the cop doesn't care nor reacts anything to it. I know I can't control how others enjoy the way they play games, but such selfish moves really ruin players like me who actually play the game like how it should be played.


 I'd like to know whether the devs will address this issue? Back in NF1, they've prevented this from happaning by setting up a minimum time, which player have to stay for a certain minutes in order to receive xp/credits. Also, by how well they do in a battle..

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