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General Discussion

Navyfield 2's Longevity

3/9/2015 12:48:35 AM
Avatar Sinclaire

Hi everyone. I would just like to flag a concern I have about Navyfield 2's longevity. The game has had its much-anticipated Steam launch and with it, we can now actively see how many people are playing the game.

To my surprise, the game seems to be floating near the 400 to 600 players on average. During the weekend, the game was slightly healthier peaking at 1,200 and averaging around 1,000. Nonetheless, these numbers seem too little for Navyfield to continue to exist. If for example we assume that each of those players spent $100 per month on the game, we'd likely see the game shutting down in the near future due to profitability issues. 

In contrast, Navyfield's likely close competitor averages around 3,000 to 5,000 in its alpha tests and peaked at around 50,000 during its current closed beta weekend tests. Those numbers appear significantly healthier than what we have on a game that's actually been released. Thus, I bring forth my concern. Personally, I am in love with ships and will continue to play the game & support it by buying gold. Nonetheless, it is a bit saddening that at it's present course, it doesn't seem like I will have much longer to continue to play this game.

What do you guys think?

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