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We need a test server

3/9/2015 6:37:33 AM
Avatar NFVoid

SDE please as soon as possible provide us with an environment to test your game properly. All of the best elements of NF1 came about because of the way the game system allowed us to create our own rooms to compare and test every little feature of the game.

We need something similar in NF2. At the moment we have concrete evidence on exactly ZERO functions or features of this game. The sooner you give us the ability to accurately test and report issues to you the sooner this game will progress and the less bad reviews you'll get on places like steam.

I said so in a previous post but there are players here who have been with you for nearly a decade and we know how to work with you on making this game better for everyone involved.

There's no point in looking at 99% of the suggestions on this forum because no one has a reliable way of replicating issues. No one can accurately test whether the NM had an accuracy nerf or whether pilot ability works properly. We have no way of establishing if the information listed next to ships in game is actually accurate. We're finding it difficult to test range, spread, dps, dsp, sight range, capping potential and god knows how many other values that matter a huge amount to how this game will develop.

We could play test new more exciting maps, we could take a lot of work off your shoulders if you just gave us a small sub forum and access to a server where we can fight against bots or do something to free us up within the battle phase itself to test your game.

We are all greatly interested in how this game ticks and I believe that the success of NF1 hinged on just how well we could understand the many details of it. As it stands now we can do very little in that regard with NF2. All we can do is play scrub matches over and over to develop hunches or feelings which then lends very little argument to any recomendations we then bring to you

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