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Sound Issue

3/9/2015 7:38:22 PM
Avatar DragonAsta

overall I like this game, even though I just started, it is quite clunky an itnerface, but having played NF1, I got gist of it fast enough..


Please oh please fix the after game screen as it is LOUD!!!!!!!!!. it should follow your other game sounds.


I know with NF1 the main screen and launcher BEFORE you dropped its noise level was insanly loud, this seems to follow that design line.


And you all need to make money I can understand that, but crud, does there need to be that much effort on making as much possible from everything??


Anyways, I am sure you will be able to sort it out in given time(some what 10 years for NF and still certain issues are still present like sound levels?)


Thanks so much if you can get that fix in there asap as there is nothing we the users can do besides muting the game which we dont want to do.


And can you put in a blue brint shipbuilding style as well so we can add/remove guns and such add/remove armor etc?


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