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General Discussion

The Abysmal Tiering system

3/10/2015 5:39:41 AM
Avatar BeatleOne

The Tiering system as most people noticed is absolutely horrendous. Ships are tierd using some arbitrary system possibly pulled out of devs rear side. Ships arent tiered by year or frpduction as certainly not by their combat value.

A simple example.In Japanse tech tree at tier 4 you have a CA Asama and at tier 5 you have Izumo. The problem being Izumo is worse in almost every aspect other than speed (3 knots faster) and Durability than Asama. Even though both those ships use the same gun, tier 4 Asama deals 300+ more averige damage while haveing the same accuracy and the same reload time as the top guns on Izumo. Whats more the bigger health pool on Izumo doesnt add up to better survivability as Asama sports much needed Armour upgrades.

All in all this is just one of many, many more such indiscriminately silly (not to call them blatantly stupid) ideas Devs whipped out  to "balance" the game. I would love to know your experience with other ships (as it's imposible for me to check out all the Countries and their ship classes) that you think are either overtierd or undertierd. This might (as long as the devs actually read any posts on the forum) help in ballancing this mess of a tiering system.

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