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General Discussion

and this weeks patch is? ....

3/17/2015 10:16:40 AM
Avatar Hipcanuck

Well, the clamouring for balance fixes seems to have died down so people are either resigned to the fact that some ships suck and others dont or are relatively happy with the way things play out now.

What I'd like to see is something done to prevent leeching, rushing for minimal xp and dying, or whatever you want to call it. Shared XP brings out the worst in people for this and needs to be fixed. Some form of equation where your final XP is based on shared xp, damage done (based on the tier of ship of course) and time alive....or something like that. This would also remove the XP cap that currently exists.

CV balance. This is another thing that needs addressing. All too often lately Ive seen one team with a tier 5 and the other with a tier 9 (the same guy too lol). Perhaps there isnt enough CV players around right now to balance that out, I dont see too many high tier cv's these days.

A credit income buff of about 25%.

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