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I found another CHN fleet pics, a different pics with more different members.

3/21/2015 11:29:20 PM
Avatar Lymark

I found these on their chinese forum(http://tieba.baidu.com/p/3650088311), Based on the conversion in their thread, there's a guy pointed out their notorious behavior that would affect Chinese reputation.However, the OP(Probably a high rank fleet officer) seemed denied and aggresively criticized about his statment. The OP believes that, Being criticized by 'ONE' person on the forum shouldn't turn the best/top and biggest fleet on NA server into notorious fleet. And that, they're not the only ones doing it, there're others whom death rush faster than them. According to that, I think the CHN fleet fails to understand how serious the problems are. To be fair, I know they're not the only ones playing such ways, so they don't deserve to be fully blamed. But the thing is, CHN is as said,''the best'' and biggest fleet on the server, we often encounter them in different battles, they're usually the highest tier and flag, which should able to carry us, yet, they'd just go suicide. Doing it once or twice by only a few members is fine, we'd probably forget it. But, having half of you guys doing it almost all the time, I do believe this a good point why we would recognize CHN a death rush griding fleet. If the they continue playing that way, the game will be broken by them and will turely leave them the best fleet on the server.


Later on the thread, a member said that, they don't have power to control how their members playstyle are, but a few of those players have voluntary left the fleet. Not sure If they'd get invited back once they have grinded to the end tier ships or/and when we forget who they are.

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