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After this battle, I realized that current matchmaking will be worse 1 month from now.

3/25/2015 6:44:03 AM
Avatar Lymark

Weeks ago, I only seen T9 ships and above once in a while, it's sometimes an equal fight or vice versa, it was all good. These days, I'm getting to see more T9+ ships, and again, it's a fair fight once in a while. Today, I saw this.  Don't get me wrong here, there's nothing wrong having to play with T9 and above.But, I as the only one T9 on our team, had to fight against 6xT9 BBs + T11 bb? It's just ridiculous. People are getting their T9 ships now, I can't imagine how will it be like one month from now. I assume it'll be a T9/11 war and anything below gonna mean nothing but 'cannon fodder'.

We need a better matchmaking asap, maybe something like in NF1, by limliting the maximum types of ships/tier per game.

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