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Tip and Tactics

A tip for surface ships

3/27/2015 4:57:01 PM
Avatar RedDiamond

I drive a SS and sometimes I wish my teammates knew better how to help me out. If you see a big slow dangerous enemy and you decided to run away while a submerged teammate is in the area, consider the following: We eat big slow dangerous enemies for breakfast, but only if we can find them. SS have extremely limited sight. So you can see the enemy plain as day as you run away, but even though I'm closer, I still can't see him. So use your guns to light him up for me! If you're running away, I'm probabaly between you and the enemy, so your shots will pass over me where I can see where they are heading. If he is out of range, the thought of firing at him probably doesn't occur to you, but it can be very helpful if you see your buddy in a SS is still heading in. If you switch to gradual fire, you can even show me what direction he is heading. For example, if the enemy is heading from N to S, fire three quick shots, 1 a little north of where he is, 1 in his direction and 1 a little south of that. I'll get the hint.

p.s. please don't do this if you see that he is surrounded by a pack of destroyers. They eat submarines for breakfast.

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