Dear NF2 Captains,
The following are tentative updates planned for this week's regularly schedule maintenance period on Wednesday evening.
Please discuss and share your thoughts.
1) A new battle map will be added:
Map Title: Cintamani
Map Size: 8 vs 8 through 12 vs 12

2) Camouflage for the following ships will be corrected:
USN DD Porter Type D
USN BB Lexington
RN DD Tribal Type D
These are all of the currently confirmed updates for this week's patch. Additional updates are being worked on by our team, but may not meet the patch deadline. Please read on for details on what to expect in the very near future.
EXP Rewards system update:
This update has been scheduled for release before, but requires final testing. The goal of the new system is to reward players who participate in battle (players who land more attack will receive more reward), and on the flip side, players who leave the battle early may face a reward penalty for doing so. There will not be a rewards cap.
Massive Ship Tree Expansion:
We plan to introduce up to 50 new ships that will fill in all currently missing tiers. Due to the size of the data, this update will be split into two parts: a data file update and a client patch update. Please expect the data file update in an upcoming patch without a discernable effect. Once the client patch is provided in a following patch the expansion will be complete.
Thank you for your continued support,
NF2 Team