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关于士气(Morale)(Added English Translation)* 6.14.2015

4/4/2015 5:06:01 PM
Avatar EdenSion
     My network was slow today and I kept on disconnecting, so I used this free time to do some research on morale. I'm writing this post to guide the ones that want to spend their gold on increasing their officer's morale. I needed to collect data from 120% to 200%, at every 10% interval, so I started out on a normal lvl 100 officer with 120% morale.
    First off, before you spend anything on morale, you must know that morale and ability points are different. For example, a 150% morale on a maintenance officer does not mean that his ability will be increased 1.5 times. To understand how the officer's ability are affected, you must analyze the yellow/red bars below. The yellow bar shows the actual ability of your officer. The results of my research showed that an officer at 200% morale had his ability boosted 3 times compared to an officer at 100% morale.
     原数据(Effects of morale at every 10% interval)         
     We can see that the increase of the officer's ability for every 10% of morale is pretty consistent for morale between 120~140%. A slightly larger increase appears from 140%~150%. The major jumps are from 160~170, and 180~190~200%. On the other hand, the gaps between 150~160, and 170~180 are much smaller.
      During my research, I noticed something weird at the beginning of every 10% interval.
     For example, in terms of the interval from 160~170%, the increase from 160~160.5% represents around 2/3 of the total growth in this 10% interval. 
     And here's the highlight, this part is meant only for TuHao's aka Richlings. Because you need to spend 50~60$ to get to this point. Compared to the 160~170% case, the 190~200% interval is far more ridiculous. The increase from 190 to 190.5% represents about 4/5 of the total growth of the whole 190~200% interval.
     Compared to the 160~170% case, the 190~200% interval is far more ridiculous. The increase from 190 to 190.5% represents about 4/5 of the total growth of the whole 190~200% interval.
     个人建议(Now here's my suggestion... )
     首先恭喜你进入了游戏的进阶部分,也就是刷士气。开始刷士气之前,你要明确一点,就是士气是这个游戏最黑的一部分,一个完美的兵要花你400-500RMB(你没看错,是“一个兵”)。而且作为走过来人我要告诉你,要想让你的船有明显变化,至少需要三个200士气的兵。嗯嗯。。。。。如果你到这里还打算坚持下去的话,请继续向下看。我的建议是刷士气时不要以120 130 140。。。200为一个梯度,而是以125,135。。。185,195,200。因为个位数是5,所以能防止一次战败导致的属性大幅度下降。另外,我建议第一次停在165%这个地方,因为到目前为止你每次使用道具都能获得1.5%-3%,相对成本较低,而且能获得客观的属性加成。在其次我只能告诉你170以后,每次只能获得0.5%-1.5%(当然也不是绝对,要看看你早上有没有洗脸)的提升,需要个人量力而行。此贴到目前为止就算是结束了,感谢舰队的支持。
    Oh, before that. Congratulations! You just made it to the most advanced part of this game - morale. Let's be clear on one thing. Morale is the darkest part of this game. A single perfect (200% morale) officer may cost you around 50~60$. Yes. You read this correctly. A single one. And if you want to feel the changes on your ship, you would need at least 3 of them.

     I recommend increasing your morale along these steps:

     125~135~...~185~195~200. The point of stopping at every XX5% is to use the fact that you gain a lot of morale for the first 0.5%. Now you might ask: "In that case, why would you not stop at every XX0.5% instead?" That's because you don't want your officer's ability to drop significantly when you lose games (and thus morale).  

     Also, if this is the first time that you're increasing your morale, I recommend that you stop at 165%. This is because going from 120% to 165% is relatively cheap as every training (the gold one) gives around 1.5~3% morale on average (You might get some 5% increase if you're lucky).

     Unfortunately, from 170% onward, you usually only get 0.5~1.5% from each training. Of course, there's always some chance factor involved, such a whether or not you washed your face this morning ;) So check your wallet first before deciding on increasing your morale.


A thank you to my fleetmates for their support.


CHN - EdenSion


*A translation offered by Shin with the help of Google Translate :p



Basic training

 今天下午尝试了一下basic training, 毕竟知道这玩意有多么黑,所以为了得到一个较平均的值,我花了大概10 m(10,000,000)的银币(还剩下8 m为了买t12的船lol),实验对象为4个120士气的兵。下面为得到的四个数据。

Officer 1    120.0% → 165.0%

Officer 2    120.0% → 165.0%

Officer 3    120.0% → 165.0%

Officer 4    120.0% → 170.5%

Cost: around 10.000.000 credits.

All data for reference only. (数据仅供参考)


My view on morale system.

因为很多人问我关于士气我到底是怎么看的,那我今天就谈谈我的看法吧。首先士气作为这个游戏最为核心的一部分,它对舰体属性的影响已经是毋庸置疑的(且先不谈玩家技能的影响),一个装备金修理专家加修理兵士气全满的船绝对会比一个普通船修起来快数倍,这是客观无法改变的事实。更不要去说那些装备金修理,金精准,金装填,金锅炉,士气全部200%的某些船了,一局游戏中这些船的存在会在一定程度上使胜利天平向某一方倾斜。所以有些玩家说,这就是单纯的砸钱游戏,谁砸的钱多谁就是爹(pay to win)。其实不然。这游戏在战斗机制上的设定做的很到位的,正如*Bunnydakillr*说的,你扔出去的钱是无法让你的炮弹造成更多的伤害的。不只是如此,船体的血量,转向,视野以及载机量这些能直接影响船表现的属性都绝对不会收到影响。如果说你冲钱能装什么超重力炮(233333),什么跟踪鱼雷,什么F22(再一次2333333),一个花几百刀,这才是真真正正的砸钱游戏(虽然有点极端,但是某些游戏就是这样,我就不艾特了),这种的都是靠谁砸的钱多来决定胜负的。但NF2却不一样(因为我没玩过NF1,所以我发表关于NF2的看法)。我把这游戏分为三个阶段:
1. 完全没有经验,被虐被教做人,同时慢慢适应游戏;1-200
2. 对游戏已经了解,具备必备的知识,在不断获胜失败中积累经验,同时会对胜负比较看重:201-1500~3000
3. 已经积累足够经验,对自身在战斗中的位置有正确的认识,能成为舰队战某一条线合格的成员或候补,能对全局进行合理分析,不再过于看重战斗的结果;1500~3000+
如果仔细看我的分析,会发现每一条中都出现了两个字:经验。如果说NF2不是一个真正的p2w游戏,钱不是确定胜负的最终因素,那么谁会是呢?答案当然是经验。经验是直接跟你的游戏时间挂钩的,有句话不是说么,practice makes perfect。玩得越多,技术自然越好,时间对玩家的影响都是潜移默化的,也许你自己不会发现,等到你的胜率逐渐由当初的20上升到60,甚至是70时,就知道我想表达什么了。其次,这游戏同时也给了普通玩家出路,基础训练与银道具的存在都是很好的证明,如果你说这些东西太贵,那我只能回你一句:抱歉阶段二的玩家你还没有必要去考虑当个大触。一个一周银道具不过是一两局游戏的时间。对于基础训练,我确实觉得sde在这上面做的有些过了。一千万只能得到4个165%的兵说是个笑话还差不多。要知道,没有多少玩家是愿意为了银币而去打上几百局甚至几千局你那只有一个模式,而且只有不到十张地图的游戏的,要是有,那我只能跪下,叹服:大大,您真有时间啊~。所以,稍微增加一下基础训练的成功率还是很有必要的。
1. 网游自然少不了氪金党,金子做的船虽然太过耀眼,但是也有他们在游戏里存在的意义,不管是支持游戏的长期运营,还是带动玩家群体积极性。
2. 如果自己的兵还毕业,一条线都没有走到头,说什么都没有意义。
3. 作为普通玩家,非要和氪金党一决高下,那我只能给你一片氟哌酸,窜稀把脑子拉出来了可不是什么好事。
4. 经验的地位绝对重于船体属性,而经验的积累伴随着属性的不断优化。
5. SHIN 是0.3
6. SHIN 是0.3
7. SHIN 是0.3
8. 重要的事情说三遍。
以上四点是给某些人看的,大家无视就可以。  (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))


P.S.  喂喂sde上上周大送船就是大坑爹啊喂,为什么不考虑我们这些一局打4000打到毕业的玩家的感受呢?





Because many have asked about my opinion on the morale system, I'll give my view on it. Firstly, morale is the most central part of the game, the effect of morale on the ship is clearly significant (leaving aside the player's skill for now). A full morale repair crew with the golden repair item will repair much faster than an ordinary ship. This is an objective fact that cannot be changed. The use of golden items and 200% morale crews on certain ships will give them a higher chance of winning.
For this reason, some players have said that this is simply throwing money at the game. Whoever throws the most is the winner (aka p2w). But this is not true. This game has a suitable battle mechanism. As Bunnydakillr said, even if you use money, you cannot increase the damage of your shells. Also, your ship's DP, maneuverability and sight range that directly affect boat performance cannot be altered using gold. If thowing money gives you gravity guns, guided torpedoes or F22 (lol), then that would be really a P2W game (although this is a bit extreme, some games are like that), where money decides the outcome. But NF2 isn't that way. I believe that this game is divided into three stages, in term of honor point:
1~200: No experience, educated by high tier players but slowly adapt to the game.
201~1500-3000: You have the necessary knowledge and keep on accumulating experience by losing and winning. For most of you, the match's outcome is what matters the most
1500~3000+: You have accumulated sufficient experience, you understand your own position in the battle and be a member or substitute for fleet battles (whenever it'll come). You have a grasp on the global flow of the game. What matters changed from the outcome to the process.
You will notice that in these three stages, there is a recurring word: *Experience*. If gold isn't the determing factor, then what is? The answer is experience. There is no better way to say it: "practice makes perfect". Experience comes with time and it isn't always obvious, until you notice that your winrate has gradually increased from 20% to 60% or even 70%.

Secondly, this game also offers an alternative to increase morale without using gold, that is Basic training. If you say that those are too expensive, then you must still be a player in stage 2. You do not need to think about how to be excellent in a battle, because what you really lack is experience. Nevertheless, I still think that SDE is overdoing it. As I have previously shown, 10 million can only get four officers to 165%. Not many players are willing to spend that much time saving up that amount of credits for a game that has fewer than 10 maps and only 1 mode (well at the time of translation it has now become 3). If you are one of them, then I can only kneel in admiration. Therefore I think that the basic training's success rate must be slighty increased.

I believe that NF2 is a long game and that its greatest fun comes from watching our development over time as we become a crucial part of our fleets, as opposed to using money to bring temporary stimulus. You can view it as a fast food game, use gold, abuse people and enjoy your time until you realize this is only a waste of time; or you can view it as a long-term game, with a calm heart, cooperating with your fleetmates over time. You will realize that you will enjoy the game as much as when you used gold. Since game has given the right of choosing to us, we should not pay too much attention to the p2w things.

*Translator's note, the rest isn't important, aside from the fact that EDEN IS 0.1 >.>*

*Disclaimer: Of course, everyone will not agree with me, those are only my views.*

Oh and can we get a heads up on when the rank (2nd lieutenant at the moment) and achievement systems are supposed to come?

Translation provided by  0.3.

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