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Solution for ABing from CHN (Training/Fleet/ Rooms/modes)

4/12/2015 10:34:55 PM
Avatar billdubill

Pretty much everyone here knows about ABing from CHN.

Though personally I haven't encountered these things, I see the pics and outrage on here everywhere.
So I went to the Chinese thread itself to see for myself:http://tieba.baidu.com/p/3650088311

CHN is pretty silent on the US threads, but they do talk about these things on the Chinese threads.
And yes, some do speak English.


But first, why AB?
Very simple reason actually, if you look at the pictures you'd know what they are trying to do.
They are just trying to take a good fleet picture together.
Very natural desire to have.
After all, part of the point of this game is to have a big fleet, so that the members can have a sense of
belonging, unity, and connection. (I really miss HA from NF1....)
Though I'm not part of CHN, I gotta admit, the way they arrange those ships are very cool!

So if you want to stop CHN from AB, changing the rules won't matter. Solve the cause of the problem.
Make a room/mode for training/ fleet events, so a fleet can take its own private business somewhere and not intrude
the public.

Secondly, the rushing.
Obviously they are doing it for the XP.
And frankly, people who do speak English know the notority CHN has in the community, and some don't choose to associate with such a bad brand image of a fleet.

Some rushers have been BANNED, while others are okay with rushing/suiciding despite knowing the risk of banning.

Because seriously, as some point out, the rushing/suiciding is really a symptom of a poorly designed reward system.


Do you see people rushing/suiciding in WOT? NO! Other than new light tanks. But even light tanks take games seriously after they know their role. And that's because WOT has a very well designed reward system and gameplay. SO THERE IS NO NEED TO RUSH. 


It's not just CHN players that rush/suicide. Many others do it from time to time. It's just that the other rushers are spread
out across fleets, or don't have fleets, so it's easy to blame on CHN since they ARE the largest fleet. Given the
same % of people rushing, they'll have more rushers. 


CHN players care about the same stuff for the game.
Especially better reward systems. (And yes, it's very boring to rush in and die. Imagine doing that.

Imagine mannually killing yourself at the begining of a game. It's not even a game; it's work, bitch work. 

You gotta give kudos for the persistence. Some are willing to grind
through this horendous reward system to get to their dream ship, after which they'll begin playing seriously)

My point is that CHN players, ARE also players, just like you and me. 

Even though I'm not CHN member, I am Chinese. And the last thing I want to see in NF2 is Chinese VS everyone else...
(Which is already becoming a reality)

So dear devs, and community, let's focus on the root cause.

1) Bring about a better reward system. I know devs are making progress on this, but please make it an open dialogue so the players can give feedback.

2) For the AB problem, have a special mode/room where fleet members can hangout to fool around/ take pictures/ what not. So they don't need to take their business public.

Yours Sincerely,
Let's have a good game and community.


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