Dear NF2 Captains,
We've heard the requests and have decided to bring back an additional round of Ship Bounty Event.
The rules are very simple; all you have to do is sink specific ships for additional credit rewards. The rewards are as follow:
Sink 1 DD : 1000 credits / Sink 5 DDs : 1000 credits
Sink 1 CL : 1000 credits / Sink 5 CLs : 1000 credits
Sink 1 APA : 1000 credits / Sink 5 APAs : 2,000 credits
Sink 1 CA : 1000 credits / Sink 5 CAs : 3,000 credits
Sink 1 BB : 1000 credits / Sink 5 BBs : 4,000 credits
Sink 1 CV : 1000 credits / Sink 5 CVs : 4,000 credits
Sink 1 SS : 1000 credits / Sink 5 SSs : 4,000 credits
The sink count resets daily at 7:00 AM PST.
If a player meets the qualification of this event, then the credit pouch will be paid through the "reward" tab in-game.
No duplicated rewards.
e.g) If a player sinks 3 BBs per day, then the player will only receive 1000 credits.
If a player sinks 10 CVs a day, the player will get 1000 credits (for 1 ship sunk) and 4,000 credits (for 5 ships sunk).
Event period: April 16, 2015 through April 23rd, 2015
Please enjoy the event!
-NF2 Team