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General Discussion

XP gain clarification

4/18/2015 8:09:01 AM
Avatar dfacto

Devs, can you please post a short explanation of how the new xp system works?  I've played a number of games and have had swings of xp from 4-8k on my Atlanta, even when I did equivalent damage and sank equivalent ships. 

What exactly is each class rewarded for?
How much is the reward?

What damage levels result in higher rewards for each class?
As a CL, do I get more points for AA kills?  Do I get more for a DD or a BB?  I seem to make more xp in games where I kill more dds, but maybe that's inaccurate and there's something else.


I think the XP system is ok now, at least on my tier and ship class, but I think myself and others would like to know exactly what the reward structure really is.

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