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General Discussion

A simple proposal to fix the XP system (UPDATE)

4/21/2015 1:48:10 PM
Avatar dfacto



After reading your opinions I've worked on this and added some things.

-The tier modifier for base xp is now higher for low tier ships and decreases gradually to T11

-AA kills have been added as bonuses fo DD and CL to insentivise the role.  It's a minor boost, but could be big if someone dedicated themselves to screening ships from CV waves. The modifier decreases with Tier to offset the increased AA damage and accuracy.

-Capped poitns are rewarded on a flat points basis to incentivise al levels to try and cap rather than sailing past radars.

-DDs are rewarded for sub kills. Rewards decrease with Tier, and first four have a big bonus since they don't have DC.

-Win bonuses are scaling with tier.

-Minimum cap, preventing people from getting nothing.

Removed/Not added

-Kill rewards.  it's true, they're just trouble.  Kills should be rewarded with honor point or something, not XP/Cred

-No Maximum cap.  This is unecessary.  If someone does some incredible amount of damage without ABing then they deserve their massive XP.  When I have a breakout game with big damage, I want my reward to be as rewarding as the game was.



Below are two tables with a sample across the board, and then one with "realistic" stats.
Those ##### values in the "realistic" table are 150k, 170k, and 200k.  My bad.

I haven't checked this extensively, so there may be mistakes, and there are certainly issues with it, but give it a look and play with the spreadsheet if you can.  Maybe we can make a system that we actually like.

Original Post:
Having played more of the current XP system I've changed my mind from "it's good" to "it's lame".  It's inconsistent, and doesn't reward players for doing damage properly.  I can have a monster game and kill 5 people with 230k damage, and get less xp for a loss than if I win with 40k dmg and no kills...  Reward people for being amazing, that's all we want!

That being said, here something to consider as an easy fix that seems like an OK idea.  There are probably problems with it, constructive criticism is welcome.  I just thought this up in a minute or two while in game, so take it easy.

Basically, you have a base xp over which any other bonuses are added.  The base xp is calculated thus: Tier*xDamage *.01+Kills*100

Here is a tabular breakdown for all tiers with different damage and kill scenarios:

Take this, then stack capture bonuses and win bonuses on top.  It rewards damage the most as this is the most important stat, and to a much lesser extent kills, because those can be sniped easily.  It seems fair to me, but feedback is welcome.

Oh yeah, and the formula is simple as hell. :D

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