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MAY 2015 : Player Review (PRAISE and CRITICISM)

5/4/2015 6:06:01 AM
Avatar Submarine

Dear the Navyfield Community and Staff,



As of May 2015, I'm a player who has played 2 hundred hours+ of this game and through it I write this letter of both praise and criticism. I enjoy the game, and really do want it to succeed. I believe I am not the only one who is harbouring these feelings towards the game, and would like to seek if perhaps the community and staff feel the same way. I assume if you're reading this you would also like to have a say, in which please feel free to post how you feel (as of May 2015).




One thing i'd like to point out is that this game is a really fun one ! I often hear players saying when World of Warships, or (x) game comes out, this game will be obsolete. However I think still it provides a very unique fun experience when compared to other MMORPGs even those who share similarities with this game. The one exception being NF1.


The game compared to its predecessor NF1 has very notable positive features, such as the implementation of a platoon system! I do remember my close friend and I got very excited to play a dual-submarine together in a platoon once we saw the release of NF2 on Steam. Of course after purchasing a gold crew, credit packages, skins and others, it surprised us that actually two submarines can't platoon with each other.


This example, I hope smoothly leads to a major issue of the game, which is the lack of information. It lacks explanation. An example being the maintenance skill in the game is poorly written and reveals very little to what it does (increases defensive capabilities); or for example accuracy in the game are in such large delimiters that the accuracy of "D" is pretty much 50% of all ships, rendering the stat very hard to grasp; the secret stat that all German tier 3 fighter planes have one less minute flight time; or how many of the guns on a ship you can actually fire at once (some guns can only fire left or right). This lack of public information contributes to frustration.




As someone who isn't a game developer/designer, my advice is unprofessional however these are some things that would be nice for implementation:


A much better experience gain system for playing well and not rushing. At the moment if I play for fun (which is serious play) I get less experience and credits compared to rushing. The system atm is forcing me to rush or be penalised. (This is after the rushing balance, still it's not good enough)


A better aiming system (right now there isn't a point using manual aim)

Premium ships (would be good to introduce premium vehicles that can earn more credits, or experience than normal ones).

More information about every parameter and option. How they affect each other, and what limits are there to all elements.


Team operations (atm there is really only one game type, public battles that you grind until tier 11), fleet wars are coming however, until they do players are getting bored of just the one thing. Even a custom training battle would be nice, where you can test your ship.


Smoother performance: The games crashes half the time I change captains; Sometimes when I try inviting people to platoon it doesn't work; when I exit battles with players in a platoon who have readied before I have I cannot start the game; you can only invite people into platoons if they're both in the shipyard and in your friend's list. + other small changes that could make the game smoother.



Then comes customer support. I remember NF1 havinghorrible customer support, however NF2's ticket response time is actually pretty impressive! I've sent multiple tickets and they've all been replied within 24 hours, so I must say I appreciate the availability of support. Moving onto bug/glitch repairs: Generally the response time is pretty quick too. I remember the Steam account information error, the lexington DC error, and other errors like the massive experience gain bug for a short while after the experience system reform...etc. Well Done !


There are also many other great things about the game which I have not talked about. Of course since this game has only been on Steam for a while, I'll be continuing to support the game and look very much forward to future implementations. The only thing that worries me is the vitality of the population. It isn't hard to extrapolate.




Regardless, good luck and thanks SDEnternet, and a o7 to you all !


Best Regards,




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