Dear NF2 Captains,
Our server will go down for regularly scheduled maintenance this evening for a short duration. During this maintenance period, the following updates are scheduled to be performed:
1. Select ship’s basic defense level will be changed as follows:
USN_Indiana 1 Defense level will be increased
USN_Nevada 1916 1 Defense level will be increased
USN_Lexington 1 Defense level will be increased
USN_Colorado 1945 2 Defense level will be increased
USN_New Mexico 1945 2 Defense level will be increased
USN_North Carolina 2 Defense level will be increased
USN_South Dakota 2 Defense level will be increased
USN_Iowa 2 Defense level will be increased
USN_Montana 2 Defense level will be increased
RN_Lord Nelson 1 Defense level will be increased
RN_Dreadnought 1 Defense level will be increased
RN_Revenge 1 Defense level will be increased
RN_Queen Elizabeth 1943 2 Defense level will be increased
RN_Hood 2 Defense level will be increased
RN_Nelson 2 Defense level will be increased
RN_Vanguard P 2 Defense level will be increased
RN_Vanguard 2 Defense level will be increased
RN_Lion 2 Defense level will be increased
IJN_Katori 1 Defense level will be increased
IJN_Kongo 1919 1 Defense level will be increased
IJN_Kongo 1944 1 Defense level will be increased
IJN_Fuso 1944 2 Defense level will be increased
IJN_Ise 1937 2 Defense level will be increased
IJN_Nagato 1944 2 Defense level will be increased
IJN_Amagi 2 Defense level will be increased
IJN_Yamato 1945 2 Defense level will be increased
IJN_A-150 2 Defense level will be increased
KM_Deutschland 1903 1 Defense level will be increased
KM_Moltke 1 Defense level will be increased
KM_Scharnhorst 1 Defense level will be increased
KM_Mackensen 2 Defense level will be increased
KM_Bayern 2 Defense level will be increased
KM_Bismarck 2 Defense level will be increased
KM_Bismarck 1941 2 Defense level will be increased
KM_H-39 2 Defense level will be increased
KM_H-44 2 Defense level will be increased
2. The following ship's sub gun has been changed:
USN Baltimore
5 guns in front/ 1 gun in rear
3 guns in front/ 3 guns in rear
3. The following ship's name has been changed:
KM Blucher 1945 -> KM Blucher 1915
4. A ship tree research display error has been fixed.
This error resulted in visually incorrect research prices being shown for select ships.
5. Occupation and Flag Ship Game Modes will be added.
Occupation Mode consists of 3 battle objective situations:
Objective 1: Occupy the targeted neutral base.
Objective 2: Occupy the enemy’s base.
Objective 3: One team tasked with occupying the enemy base while the opposing team is set to defend their base.
If primary objectives are not met, the battle will also end if all enemy ships are sunk.
Flag Ship Mode is similar to Navy Field’s Flag Ship Mode:
The primary objective is to sink the enemy’s flag ship (players can bring up the battle report panel with the ` key to quickly determine their target)
The battle will end immediately after a flag ship has been sunk or upon the loss of all members of a team.
6. Interface Updates for new game modes.
The in-game interface will receive minor changes to coincide with the addition of aforementioned new game modes.
1) A battle mode toggle switch will appear next to the Battle button. Use this toggle to enable or disable the different game modes (Occupation/Flag Ship/Annihilation). By default, the normal Vs. mode (Annihilation) is exclusively set.
Players can select 1 additional battle mode to be randomly added into their battle queue (this option is limited in accordance to the current player base and will be changed in the future).

2) At the start of battle, an image displaying the current battle mode and primary objective will be shown. The battle objective will also show in the upper-right corner of the screen during battle.

7. EXP Bonus Week will go into effect.
To celebrate the arrival of the new game modes, we will be boosting EXP by double for one week. Get the most out of all the new ship and game content from 06/11 through 06/18!
We hope to see captains enjoying the new game modes following this exciting patch. Please excuse us for any minor text formatting errors that may appear in-game following the initial update; all will be resolved in a following update.
Thank you for your continued support,
NF2 Team