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Please don't follow WoT or warthunder style

12/6/2014 4:13:56 PM
Avatar DarthVader


My first impression when I see the game play is like warthunder/World of Tank.  Please don't follow them.

the ship tree in NF1 is much better than this one.  Please allow us to customize our own ship just like NF1.

please allow us to create/join our own battle room instead of random battle.  You may change or simplified the battle room style perhaps just showing the list of available room while we prefer the old NF1 style.

sometimes people create the room to chat and show off their new ship to their friends.

on the other hand, I really like the graphic, sound effect, and the weather effect.

actually what I really want is to see NF1 game play with NF2 graphic, sound effect, and weather effect.

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