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General Discussion

Dear Dev's

5/6/2016 9:53:12 AM
Avatar baddoggs1062

I hate to be the one to burst the bubble, but the bots

still kinda suck. The MM is just the same as allways.

I was just in a game, 2 humans on my side(including me)

and 4 on the outher. THAT is BAD MM. It is also pretty clear

that the bots can't see (or dont care) about the HUMAN 

player between them and there target. MANY times my Er...

teammates have shot torps or guns right thru me. It is like

they dont see me at all. I have been sunk a number of times

in this way. Is there any way we can at least get THAT fixed

As it is VERY annoying to be killed in this way.

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