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Play on Linux

12/30/2016 4:10:01 PM

Since everything is hate on this forum, i decide to post something different but related to NAVYFIELD2.




All started since i got lag/frame drops on windows 10, the change from w7 to w10 was so rude, my gameplay was absurdly stressing, the fact that w10 consumes more resources for graphical effects kinda drives me crazy since i am not using my gaming desktop, am using a laptop with an A8 APU 1.5ghzX4 with 512mb Vram so all the resources are needed even worse the APU gpu consumes RAM as Vram.

After all those problems i decided to change to a a lightweight OS, so my chooses were, come back to w7 or choose a more compact OS like LUBUNTU or XUBUNTU.

ubuntu family

I started for LUBUNTU one of the most leanest OS, more like to bare bones, my experience to this system was amazing my framerates were up to 60 on high and consumed only 300mb the core, 800mb with the game running and a music player. At this point i was amazed of such system BUT there was a problem with media keys on keyboard.

Then i choose XUBUNTU an ubuntu built for xfce wm, all green with this system, after i instaled google chrome to check vsync, i was experiencing tearing so i need to install compton or compiz to solve this issue. The consume of ram increased to 400-600mb and 1.2gb playing Navyfield and music (compared to the 4.7gb of w10 or 2.5 of w7) was still acceptable.

Since all was installing programs from 0, i decided to choose a more friendly (windows related) system derived from ubuntu, LINUX MINT but instead of cinnamon as window manager i choose the XFCE version similar to XUBUNTU in resource compsumtion.

All this work, was posible to WINE an application to run windows programs in Linux, not like an emulator but kinda natively.


To install wine on Linux Mint i used the next commands in terminal 1 by 1.

-sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386

Then the system request for your password

-sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wine/wine-builds

-sudo apt-get update

-sudo apt-get install --install-recommends winehq-devel

and woala wine is installed on your system


Then for install the game just double click on the installer a wine pop up will appear to install Mono and Gecko, two packages needed for the game and then the game will intalls normally like on windows. First the dx9 then the .net installer all included in the navyfield game installer, after that update the game normally.

This procedury can be executed in all the debian/ubuntu family easily, and even on other operative systems like Arch Linux (manjaro one of my favs), Fedora and derivated and even on Mac OSX kinda hard but worth it.



This Post is Edited By ANGELBEATS91 at 12/30/2016 4:41:44 PM
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