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Lessons Learned

12/2/2014 12:38:05 AM
Avatar ajb7988

Ok, I think this topic needs to be started due to the ongoing issues that have plague Navyfield Resurrection of the Steel Fleet.

  1. Game stability should be a priority. Currently NF has horrible game stability. The game crashes every 2-5 games played, if a player is lucky. Please learn from this. It is amazing that players still play NF.
  2. Listen to your player base. When we said that we wanted the improvement of game stability it seems like it fell on deaf ears. So now, start from the beginning and have your code properly done and commented to make sure that your coders know what they are changing.
  3. Please test game content prior to it being released. Again, this has been an issue. We saw it with the 120 knott rentals as well as other content that was released being way too OP.
  4. With regards to moderators in game, the standards to which they hold themselves needs to be increased, especially at the head mod position. Their presence needs to be felt. They also should actually play the game, unlike the current head mod of NF who averages about 6 games a month. How can the head mod tell what is wrong with the game, or what players are abusing the game if they are not present.
  5. End game content is a must. Currently Harbor Assaults are what most players look forward to most in NF. Seeing that here would probably bring over a lot of players. However, the HA's were always bugged. Desynchs, bugged graphics and other issues plagued HA's, but players still played them. If you fix it, I would fail to see why more players would not want to come and play.

For other players who may be making the switch from NF, please add on whatever you think may be needed, or correct me if I made any mistakes.

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