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Game Mode Ideas

12/2/2014 11:00:50 AM
Avatar JPhoenix

These are a few Game modes that I had planned out to be events in the old NF when I was part of TNF. I don't think they ever made it to the voting board, but I think they would be fun to play. These were written up for NF, so I'm sure they would have to be altered to fit NF2. They are mostly for smaller ships, because when I planned these out they were supposed to be Fleet based event games to encourage players to play with versatility. Also, I did not read any of the suggestions in the other thread, but I had these from years ago. If they are similar, sorry for that.




-Silent Hunters-


Two Teams of:



Battle Conditions:


Win conditions: A) Sink the enemy Transport. B) Escort your transport to the end of the map and have it retreat.


Lose Conditions: A) Your Transport is sunk. B) Enemy transport successfully retreats off the designated map area.


-Sea Wolves-



Team 1) Hunters:



Team 2)Convoy:





1) Hunters: Sink the enemy convoy (APA)

2) Convoy: Get at least 3 APA transports to retreat at the other side of the map, or destroy all enemy SS.


-CV Convoy-


Two teams of:

CV = 4

BB = 5

CL/CA = 10

DD/FF/SS = 11


Object of the game: Escort at least 2 CV to the opposite side of the map and have them retreat. Or sink all 4 of the enemies CV.


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