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Expanded Ship Stats and Crew explanation

12/20/2014 9:26:47 AM
Avatar Darigaaz

Ships! Planes! Nations! I like to be able to distinguish what makes that nation unique rather than just wearing that nation flag and then that's about it. Don't give me stuff like IJN has the best torpedo boats. Now for old timers like myself and MANY others, we are most likely going to associate certain stats from the previous game. To be honest we weren't all that sure about the previous game stats too. Since  this game had such a huge overhaul, what changes you might seems obvious to the you as the devs may not seems so obvious to us player who play and pay for YOUR game. It needs to be explained more thoroughly. Lets get a bit more detailed! This was something that  NF1 lacked greatly. I'm sure you guys are on a tight budget but we are in that part of the gaming age where we would like to know the mechanics of the game through and through. Nothing hurts a game more than guessing stats that you thought made you stronger in that aspect when it was totally something else. 
I would like to see a full stats page for each ship and planes such as: 
-turning radius/ how long it takes to turn 
-AA power/gun caliber/acc/range 
-Planes AA defense 
-Ships defense 
-Ship DPM 
-Plane loadage (I should not have to buy the ship first to know its loadage) 
-Sight range (You know some of the ship sight range if there is an upgrade otherwise no dice.) 
-Reload Guns and Torpedo, I shouldn't have to mouse over the gun to check reload rate and also same issue for torpedo as sight range. If there is no upgrade for the armament no idea how good it is. A great example is the A Class tier 11 SS. What is the reload rate? 
-Torpedo speed and range for  torpedo bombers 
-Torpedo splash radius 
-On the subject of SS, How many torpedo fires from the front and back. Rather important information. 
-Overheat Speed 
-Sonar Range (if there is a difference) 
-Sonar Recharge (If there is a difference) 
 *New - What level your sailor should be to use this ship to gain the most exp out of it

-Deck/Bulge/Belt/Bulkhead, From what I understand Bulkhead is the only thing that mitigates damage, doesn't absorb for say.

If Deck/Bulge/Belt does mitigate and it is difference like UK gets better belt but KM gets better deck mitigation, then it should be listed. If there wasn't anything sort of mechanic to begin with then I have nothing more to say about it unless you plan to add that.  
As an suggestion for the armor, maybe be able to equip armor that absorbs a certain amount damage and mitigates HE damage. While AP deals bonus damage to said added belt and deals "true" damage to the ship. 
Now Onto my 2nd part of my suggestion 
An in-depth guide or explanation of stats and characteristic of said feature on crew and ship. Sure doesn't have to be long but give me something better than bomber hit rate increase. What?? Bomber hit rate increase? That tells me nothing.   
For example. Bomber stats help group planes up quicker and tighter. It also aids in dive bombing in which it can release its bombs tighter when at higher altitude and on target.  
Here are some stats I thought needs better explanation 
-Stats. Cap. Is there one? Is the cap that rectangle? Or is it like NF. It just keeps going and going and going beyond the stats window. Which was actually funny btw. 
-Morale. Is 170 really the max for morale? 
-Officer cap level
-BO/Captain cap level (currently at 100)
- Reload. Would like to see a before and after stats.  
- Maintenances. This stats was a huge issue earlier today or yesterday. Some say it at like restore some say it mitigates damage. We don't know for sure!  
- Repair Percentage or flat bonus. 
- Engine. does it actually increase base speed and overheat speed? 

- Intercept. Does this increase hit rate for plane, total damage. If it increase total damage. How does it increase it? Percentage or flat bonus. 
-Evasion Does that effects just dog fight or does it also effects the hit rate of the tiny chain AA guns mounted on ships. 

-Bombing. How does it increase bombers hit rate? Do the planes fly tigher when just zipping around? Or just when you click on a ship and it goes into auto mode. Does it increase the altitude in which DB can accurately drop their bombs? Can it effect how fast DB can dive?  

-Honor/season points. ...? How to get, what does it do. How much you were awarded at end game battle stats. 
Bombing has to be the most misunderstood stats because right now it looks like a dump stats and to have a dumb stats is pretty...stupid. 
Ship stats/explanation 
- Defense. How much does it mitigates? Is it even with shell and torpedo? What about bombs drop from dive bombers? 
- Bulkhead. Reinforce the ship structure? Is that another way to say increases the maximum repair point for the ship? 
- AP ammo. Please give a proper in-depth explanation. Some people say it weakens the defense points that mitigates damage making battleship more susceptible for HE damage. Think of it as...armor reduction. Does decrease armor to the point where it will receive bonus damage? Does it also deal bonus damage to absorption armor?  
- AA autoing. A proper guide would be nice for autoing. Training room in fact. 
Bonus suggestion. 
-GM/DEV interaction. I haven't seen you guys talk a lot of the forum. REACH TO US! We like to see what you guys think instead of posting update and then nothing. A discussion on why you did so and so would give us a better idea of why you did it.

For example. When League of legend and World of tank do patch notes. They go over the reason why they did it. For the most part at least. There will be bashing and there is no way of pleasing EVERYONE. Thats how we human scums work.  

-Interactive poll and news in game rather than on the start up program would be nice. Defiantly get more idea how people think since I bet over 2/3 of the people playing this game won't even touch the forums. Since we are in game, and we see a poll. Why not check it out right? Maybe rewards like 10 gold for participating in it. 

-Training room to practice AA, DB, TB, Torping, Shooting, Scouting. Give people a small reward for completing mission and when I mean small make it SMALL or nothing at all because of botters. Maybe have it to be a one time reward. 

-Co-op mission. Make this game raid base. Rewards ships, cool skin and shell skin. Like make cannons shoot Peas in a Pod. Seriously, come on now! This is gold. We human want to be unique and want to stand out. So nothing make us stand out more than costume and skins. Great gold idea. And make it hard like seriously hard that it shouldn't be just stats base but mostly skill based. 

-Skin's on EVERYTHING Shell torpedoes. Splashes. Planes. ANYTHING! Make us pay credit for temporary or gold forpermanents!  

-Ship roles. Please explain to us what each ship and nation are suppose to do. Don't expect it to be obvious. Don't try to rely on the community all the time. Comparing apples to orange...but still applicable. Board game make or breaks with its RULE BOOK. In other words. How well you explain ship role and a likes will help the new comer get into the game that much easier. If a game is easy to pick up on. Expect more people to give it a try.  

-Credit. I honestly think its fine atm waaaay too many complaining about the credit grind. I do think you made the grind system better compared to the first game but what do I know.  
*I rather have a bigger player base saturated with bad player rather than a small player base with great number of good player. That way maybe we can make the match making a LOT easier since there is less discrepancy in tiering. Nothing wrong with game being casual.* I know I just contradicted myself...but meh 
There is a lot of things I would like to see but I'm sure you might not have the R&D for all these things but I believe some of these suggestion will help make the game better overall.  

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