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ISLAND BENEFITS (other than commander abilties) Thoughts please.

12/22/2014 1:59:59 AM
Avatar PepeUltimate

Airfield - i like how it gives the commander an ability to call an airstrike but i think if players that have either RECON/anytype of planes the airfield should refill them slowly. not fast but slowly.

for example a CL/CA/BB it can be w/e you want it to be lost all of its recon planes it can park next to an airfield for about a minute to resupply 2 recon planes or 1

if a CV parks next to an airfield it can refill its Ftrs/bombers at the same rate or even faster. (let the devs decide it this gets implemented)

now on to the munitions Depots.

i think anyship class should be able to restock its ammunition after a certain amount of time parked near the island.

now to the Army bases

army bases should fortify the whole island with gun emplacements like more than usual to help make claiming them essential to the map and would give BB's purposes to bombard an island for more of a artillery support role.

Radar bases should help detect aircraft because thats just somewhat realistic. maybe not give you vision of them but give you a type of marker like aircraft movement in a certain area.

i would like the communities thoughts about this i want to hear what yall think of this.



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