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Scout Ability for CL and above classes

12/25/2014 2:07:15 AM
Avatar joker1974


In NF1 nearly all CL and above ships had a scout (ie Pilot), giving them scouting ability. Not just for yourself, but for your team.

NF2 seems to rely on sight through capturing an island or whatever. And CV's are scares at the moment, but in all fairness, CV's are not scouting vessels only.

I find myself frequently in battles where nearly all the team has sunk, and I can't see anything, with a CA1 or BB1 at the moment. This results in a certain loss, where in NF1 you still had a fighting chance with a scout. Not to mention, you could see muzzle flashes from your opponents, and you could shoot them still with a bit of luck in the FOW (fog of war). In NF2 I just stop playing and die, it absolutely makes no sense to fight a fight you can't win.

Suggestion: give all CL and above classes a scout.


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