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My Thoughts after 50 hours.

12/26/2014 10:24:53 AM
Avatar rgcdragon

First off is something people have been whining about since the game released. 

Credits: We're not asking to make it really easy for us to get to the next tier, but we would rather do maybe 60-80 battles for the next ship rather than doing 100-200 battles for that next ship. Also the cost of the last tier ship is rather stupid. It costs 4 mil exp and by tier 9 we're making maybe 1000 to 2000 exp and 1000 credits per battle so that would mean we would have to play at the very least 2k+ battles for the last ship. That is stupid.

Matchmaking (MM): Matchmaking at the moment is pretty terrible. Sometimes we may get a good balance between teams but most of the time, the other team usually has all the cvs and t6+ bbs and we have t5 and below. This needs to be fixed.

Content: This game really needs more game modes, and I know you have said you will add some. My question is when will you add them? Right now there is nothing else to do, but click battle and make maybe 500 credits per game and rinse and repeat. It's not fun, not when you're getting those kinds of rewards. It is really boring and a real turn off from the game.

Ships: Ships in this game move way too fast. I can't bomb anything below and a bb or cv in this game because they move too fast. In NF1 you could bomb cls and ca's without much of a problem, you could even bomb dds though it was more difficult. Maybe for balance sakes it shouldnt be easy to bomb every ship, but It shouldn't be impossible to do it either. In real life, dds could very well be bombed by cv's.

Then there are the other bugs, like when my ship decides it wants to drive in circles while im trying to shoot something or the server lagging at the last second and freezing when I go to bomb something. 

We're not asking for the game to be easy, we're simply asking for the game to be somewhat playable and not such a damn turn off. 

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