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North Carolina damage is broken

1/4/2015 10:50:07 AM
Avatar Drakedge

The North Carolina Damage is utterly broken. I have put in multiple tickets for this, but I wanted to bring it to the attention of the masses.


On Paper the guns say - 6,323 damage per shell with HE on the base guns. Or, 7,588 damage per shell on AP shells against armor.


In actuality these numbers are closer to 3,000. Now I took a screen shot of me shooting a base when the match was over mainly to demonstrate the numbers. These are the same numbers that pop up against unarmored targets, of all class of ship, APA, SS, DD, CL, CA, CV, BB all of these ships get hit for this amount of damage.


Top that off with a shot gun spread at 350 accuracy points, and no HE secondary guns, a long reload time with 150 reload, and you have one giant target for other people to get attack against. T5 - T8 battleships barely have anything to fear against this floating log.


A couple ways to fix the ship would be to:


1. Increase the damage of the guns to their actual numbers.

2 Give the dual purpose 5" guns, their dual purpose with HE being able to load into the game.

3 Increase the shell speed on the main guns. The North Carolina uses high volocity shells, meaning that the shells should be getting to the target faster than they are. 

Thank you, and here's the screenshot against the base. Keep in mind these are the exact same numbers that come to pass when shooting enemy ships that have no armor. How do I know they have no armor? I usually AP BB ships until they no longer take good damage from AP, or 1 - 2 salvos and it is really easy to see if the target is armored as the HE shells do about 1,000 damage against armor as opposed to 3,000 against unarmored.

TL;DR North Carolina Damage is broken, I can do more damage with the T4 American battleship's main guns  (13") than with the T9 American main guns (16")


Comparison Damage against ship, with new mexico

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