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Nerf Damaged Ship Speeds

1/9/2015 10:58:34 AM
Avatar DarkValor

As this game stands now, if a player's ship is damaged the speed reduction is almost non-existant. 2.5% to 10% max. It is still possible for a DD with major damage (over 60%) to outrun torps or even other ships like a BB. This is unacceptable. When a ship has major damage in real life, it has to slow down or almost stop completely or else it will sink.

The suggestion is simple: either nerf the speeds where for ever 10% damage a ship recieves, it's speed gets nerfed 10%. So if a ship has a max speed of 40 knots and has 50% damage, then the ship should have a max speed of 20 knots. Also any ship that has more then 35% damage can not use the overheat engine. If a ship has 35% damage, then it can not speed up the engines because that would cause more damage.



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