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My suggestions

1/10/2015 12:02:54 PM
Avatar vonwhatever
  1. Consider lowering xp requirements for CL, DD and CA. Honestly they cant be as competetive as bb, ss or cv so ppl will rather go for capital ships than any of the other 3 branches since they need the same amount of xp.
  2. Fix battle rewards. ppl wont figth as hard as they can since its more economical to hit somehting and leaver after 3 min. Base it on damage dealt, aircraft shot down and cap points. Reward ppl after 5 min with 500/500 xp/cred wo prem and 1000/100 with prem or something like that, to make sure new players wont suffer contribition based reward system.
  3. Impement the missing tiers. Nexxon gave you more ships than the ones implemented.
  4. Sort your s*it out,you  announced an event with 70% cred boost and had 100% exp and cred boost on startup. This makes ppl think you dont know what the hell you are doing.
  5. Lower certain gold prices. Get rid of 7 day Items or at lest make them 30days. As for me idc about the money- but its annoying to buy an aide every second day,  armor every 7. And i think you may lose a lot of players because of the prices.
  6. Create diffrences and unique things for the nations. Spread, range, armor, aso
  7. Tell us actually how many ppl are working on things so we get an idea if your just greedy or allmost broke. 
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