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2 ways to fix teleporting

1/11/2015 3:47:26 AM
Avatar DarkValor

Many players can tell you that the whole teleporting deal isn't working. First of all, this is supposed to be a war type game and never in the world has it been possible for a person to teleport from one location to another instantly, let alone a ship!

Yea, sometimes it is good to be able to teleport. Like when you are way down south and the battle is all up north, then it is great. But the bad part is when there is only 1 ship left or maybe 2 and there is more than that on the oppsing team. The team with the fewwer ships waits until the other team is almost on them, then they teleport to an area far away. And the game goes on and on when it should be over.

I for one am tired of sitting there waiting for the game to end just so I can get a few more creds and experience. Some players seem to want to drag the game out to the last second. That's okay if they are actually fighting, but when they are abusing the teleporting just to drag the game on, then it is frustrating.

There is one of two ways to fix this.

1.) Remove the ability to teleport completely from the game.

2.) Make it where a player can only use the teleport once in a game. Once the teleport has been used, they can not teleport again until the next game.

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