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Suggestion: An addition to the store I doubt anyone would ever criticize

1/11/2015 12:08:03 PM
Avatar krochlikmiov

Cosmetic changes for gold. I mean, come on who would say no to that, and who wouldnt mind paying a little for a new paint job, or some flags.


I somewhat feel the use for gold is rather limited at the moment, and cosmetic items are something that no one will complain about claiming imbalance. 


Not all cosmetic changes can be paint related but an idea that comes to mind is the changes in the aircraft carrier Akagi. Originally made with its 3 decks, it was later remodelled to have a single larger flight deck. A remodelling would be nice in exchange for some gold in my opinion. I doubt all ships would have such a durastic and noticable change but some surely had noticable changes which can be worked on.


On a side note, changing the colours on parts of ones ship would be nice, like the colours at the top of the steam stacks, guns, life boats.... purchasable with credit if generosity is in mind if this ever gets chosen to be implemented :P


Thoughts? Would you guys spend a bit of money on personalising your ships? 

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