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Tip and Tactics

Some tips

12/4/2014 4:18:50 AM
Avatar 관리자 gm

Did you know?


1) Once you click shift + mouse wheel button over another ship in the battle,

then you may check a brief ship information.


2) When it's raining, the accuracy ratio drops slightly.


3) A player gets 0 reward if the player plays nothing.


4) If a player leaves from the field during the battle, he or she will lose the battle.


5) Hit F12 on your keyboard on the battle, the the battle UI will be removed.

(Hit F12 key one more time to bring back your battle UI).


6) On the battle station panel, Left boxes for officer is for credit officer only;

right boxes for officer is for the gold officer only. NO LONGER APPLICABLE


7) If your team completely captures the Radar Base, it will randomly locate where the enemy ships are.


8) Check the Option to find out your manual keys and practice in "Guide" -> Tutorial -> Basic Battle.


9) Talk with your team during battle. Discuss strategy and help each other out. Your win ratio will increase if you communicate with your teammates.


10) /s all chat; /t team chat during battle.


11) There is no damage for 30 seconds at the start of battle (to prevent accidental friendly TK)


13) You may chat while searching for battle; just hit enter to join the chat box.



 Did you guys  know this? :)



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