Dear NFII Captains,
During this week's upcoming maintenance we will be uploading a pretty hefty patch update. On account of the larger than normal size, the update will be performed one day early: *UPDATED* Tuesday, January 20th from 10PM - 1AM PST.
1. The following ships will be added:
CL Cleveland (Tier 11)

CA Tennessee 1906 (Tier 6)

BB Lexington (Tier 6)

CL Edinburgh (Tier 11)

CA Exter 1942 (Tier 7)

BB Revenge (Tier 6)

CL Mogami (tier 11)

CA Furutaka 1926 (Tier 6)

BB Kongo 1944 (Tier 6)

CL Seydlitz (Tier 11)

CA Scharnhorst 1906 (Tier 6)

BB Scharnhorst (Tier 6)

2. On account of newly added ships, required ship research will be slightly modified:
- Players who have already surpassed the respective new ship additions will receive an automatic completion of ship research for each new ship passed. (This will consist of the quickest ship research line to directly advance to the succeeding ship).
- Compensation due to the addition of newly added ships will be paid in 2 ways:
Type A:
If the total spent ship exp plus remaining ship exp of the the previous ship tier (for example a Tier 5 BB) is less than the normal value (shown below), the account will receive:
- Automatic completion of the core ship research to get the succeeding ship (only researches to directly obtain the new ship).
- Credits will be given to purchase the new ship (exact credit to purchase the new ship).
Type B:
If the total spent ship exp plus remaining ship exp of the previous ship tier (for example a Tier 5 BB) is greater than the normal value (shown below), the account will receive:
- Automatic completion of the core ship research to get the new ship (only researches to obtain the new ship).
- Credits will be given to purchase the new ship (exact credit to purchase the new ship).
- The core ship research of the new ship (for example Tier 6 BB) will be automatically completed to obtain the next ship.
- Credits will be given to purchase the succeeding ship (exact credit to purchase the next ship).
Normal Value - 67,144
USN CA Pennsylvania 1905
IJN CA Izumo
KM CA Furst Bismarck
Normal Value - 138,367
RN CA York
Normal Value - 61,300
USN BB Nevada 1916
RN BB Dreadnought
IJN BB Kongo 1919
KM BB Moltke
3. The following ships' damage zone error has been fixed:
- IJN CL Kuma
- IJN CV Akagi 1938
(These ships’ damage zones were larger than normal – making them an easy target)
4. The airship will be added to the shipyard.

- This airship displays the current fleet mark on center and tail.
- This airship appears only to those belonging to a fleet.
- It doesn't offer any function yet, but will be utilized through planned future updates.
- If a player creates a fleet or joins a fleet, the player should log out and log back in to see the airship.
- If a fleet changes their fleet mark, the fleet members should log out and log back in to refresh the fleet mark on the airship.
5. Captain information ability gauge bug has been fixed
6. The Following ship research values will be changed:
Lord Nelson
- Max Angle Gun Research (29.5 -> 30.0)
- Max Angle Gun Research (29.5 -> 30.0)
7. A number of miscellaneous ship research text errors have been corrected.
8. Veteran training item has been removed.
This patch is expected to be up to 100MB in size. Please make note of this in order to prepare for the longer than usual time necessary for your client to fully update. Our team will do our best to ensure a trouble-free experience.
Thank you for your continued support!
-Navy Field 2 Team