Hello SDE as well as people who bother look onto this and do not freak out because they think its P2W or are just to stupid to even drive a DD forward or actualy fire its guns after the tutorial wich you even cannot skip :)
First of all for the P2W stuff: It is not. All items have a time limit so exept you want to spend 10 dollar per month or even more to keep those 2 day only premium items then i suggest use the gold only for either premium account itselfe (50% more money and exp) or a Aide (either 15% more cred gain, Ship exp gain or BO exp gain for 2 day's only) or for officers (30 extra points in the skill the officer is trained at eg: Aiming Officers have 31 points in aiming at lvl 1 not only 1 but start with the basic 1 in Reload and Torpedo Reload ... and no those 30 points are useless if the person driving the ship cannot handle it) As for aviation officers their special each of them represents 1 squad not the entire crewskill like the other officers so : even with each aviation on evasion only 1 of them is used for the squad of that officer himselfe. So : Still pretty useless exept you know what you are doing :)
Now for stuff they did wrong (right will come after that because much of this things bother not only me but i am the only person who is more than angry about that (Sry SDE i know you have this game out of Korea but as for NF1 you have a choice at modding this game the way you want it!)
First: (and most important: The armament of most ships is not like the one in reality: For example: All anti air guns are Hybrid guns in WW2 wich menas they could fire in the skye as well as on the surface with anti ship ammo. Yet most AA guns are AA only so the mighty yamato and even the bismarck are ripped off their main defence against anything smaller than a BB. I hope they change that to fit the ammo we want into those guns as well. As well as certain ships who had a Torpedo launcher or more than one have none: Heavy Cruisers of IJN had Torp launchers onboard even if it would unballance the game more to put them in: its still right! You even gave US the lexington as she was ment to be (A Battleship not a Carrier) so give IJN CA's the edge in battle again (as other nations too had torpedo launchers on CA's and even some on BB's (not only IJN but also germany as well with tirpitz (at least anybody belives this ... i do not).
Second: some moddels are not accurate ... Best example is the Kongou 1944 wich has her torpedo net attachment on her (wich she never had in actual combat). Shure its no major thing but it still angers me and many others who are here for accurate moddels and a (not perfect) good simulation of naval combat. I have no right to tell you to change it as its your desision but i would highly apriciate it.
Third: The tech tree's ... Yes this is the real main issiue with Both NF games ... as they put most ships in there to their liking as well as giving them upgrades wich are pointless for them: Example (a very good one) is the Shimakaze: We all know that this was the best DD in the world yet this ship is not even highest tier (even if they put a second Shimakaze in this game wich never existed) Its not even the fastest (The only ship faster was a French DD but again that thing would not put up much of a fight) but should be the fastest ship ingame with speed upgrades not armor upgrades as well as start with her main armament of 5x3 Long Lance Torpedo launchers not upgrade Torpedo's 2 times for them. There are many more ships wich need rethinking yet i feel like i have to do this (because i actualy have a crush on that ship from a certain anime and i am proud of it ! so call me what you want its the way it is!): The Takao: The best CA IJN had ever put into service(every historicans are clearly shure about that) it is not because of the armament wich is equal to myokou and later mogami CA refit but because she is actualy a purposly build CA rather than Mogami wich was a CL and that should also be represented here in terms of giving her less HP and Armor than other CA so putting it even 1 tier less then Myokou or maybe 1 tier higher as her guns are better placed. As for the First issiue with this game: she has torpedo's onboard as well as after the maya refit (wich should be T11 btw. as takao would perfectly fit T10) loosing 2 torpedo launchers (maya was launched with only 2 quadruple launchers anyway) but instead gained AA power i would even say equal to that of an atlanta class CL (multiple new 12.8 Hybrid guns(one of them even replaced her 3. forward turret) as well as a shitload of new 25mm tripple mashine guns).
Long speach but thats the way this game should be: a little more Wikipedia a little less we take the first picture of something and use it or use it as we feel it would fit into a game wich is not even ballanced (and could never be as ships are either OP compared to others ore would never even scratch the armor of their foe)
Now for the good things from the beginning (including the newest patches):
First: Good selection of ships even if like said above, they are far from ready now as some ships are not ingame but would be like T13 if i look at the current stats and placements.
Second: No P2W crap like NF1 (at least in EU) had. Many call this game P2W but it is not as i explained above.
Third: Nice not stacking Battle system: You click on battle like in WoT and it starts so no host is required like in the first version of NF2 where a battle could have ben modified so one team is shure to lose (even now there are some things i noticed are going wrong with certain people i could be wrong but i feel like some are betraying because of telling each other where the enemy ships are if put in different teams a solution would be the reactivaiton of the platoon combat).
Forth (and also a little suggestion as well) : Those Female Aide's or also called XO: i would love to have non premium versions of them as it feels more like the actual ship is talking to you (ALL ships with no exeption are called she or her so they are all female as well as for some people they are very well living beeings ( i do not now how you feel about this but the musashi took a hell of a beating yet saved the rest of the fleet by simply not sinking. there has to be something about it thats what i belive in and alway's will be as there are many things one cannot explain).
That would be all for now i could go on forever if i wanted to but my points are very clear. Those are also the main reasons (at least the things that went wrong) wich would bring me to WoWS(world of warships) rather then staying with NF so if even one of those points would be wiped out (say like AA guns able to fire HE shells to let high tier ships better protect themselfes from DD attacks wich would own those still slow moving ships because main calibre guns tend to miss DD (not all the time but most of it (i actualy wiped the floor with a fuso 1 day ago in a T4 DD .... wich would realisticaly not be posible even with Torpedo's as i would have to go into sidearm range and they would shread me to pieces bevor i would be in torp range).
Lets all hope for the best and a future as bright as NF1 had one!
Good luck and Have Fun all!
Kouta Seto Leader of the EDF (Earth Defence Force)