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Subject Author Replies / Views Last Post
What sorts of game modes would you like to see added to Navy Field 2? 관리자 gm 97 / 8011 12/23/2017 9:03:47 AM
Gun Acc BB9 impossible bad Mirco67 0 / 1741 2/10/2015 8:51:43 AM
Need training room DarthVader 2 / 1811 2/10/2015 6:29:12 AM
Display and reward planes shot down DaWyrm 0 / 1702 2/10/2015 3:51:50 AM
Server Problems ILegitHarty 0 / 1672 2/10/2015 2:36:54 AM
CLAN SUGGESTION idea for upcoming 2/11 patch PepeUltimate 0 / 1718 2/9/2015 8:43:31 PM
Fittings in screenmiddle in battle Mirco67 0 / 1651 2/9/2015 9:13:24 AM
WIN / LOSE Mirco67 4 / 1688 2/9/2015 5:59:07 AM
bunch of ideas/fixes Caelena 2 / 4893 2/8/2015 7:33:05 PM
The cost to retrain your crew is to high LezSeagull 0 / 1756 2/8/2015 4:58:59 PM
Basic Training for upgrade the moral Mirco67 0 / 1652 2/8/2015 4:08:22 PM
Add this game to steam coldkeyes 3 / 1765 2/8/2015 10:37:54 AM
no light Mirco67 4 / 1792 2/7/2015 3:03:54 PM
An Idea to help with Firing outside of bb's and other Ships Short ... GreyW00lf 7 / 1761 2/6/2015 8:03:55 PM
Officer Morale Loss Vs Morale increase. novastorm 4 / 1992 2/6/2015 7:04:33 PM
How about fixing the numerous fundamental faults in this game? SgtToad 1 / 1735 2/6/2015 3:13:03 PM
Turn off the teleport by islands. amiltonbr 17 / 2533 2/6/2015 3:05:07 PM
Fill in the gaps between tiers of ships: LezSeagull 1 / 1606 2/6/2015 3:00:54 PM
High Tier Ships whitout aircraft have lowest Sight range *Right now* Grumarsh 1 / 1742 2/6/2015 3:22:46 AM
Bismarck 5.9" Guns Mirco67 1 / 1745 2/5/2015 12:24:00 PM
We should get our xp Aragon312 10 / 1750 2/4/2015 1:35:37 PM
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